Romerska dagar
(översättningar / translations)

in danish
Romerske dage
transl. by Otto Borchsenius. Kbhvn 1877 (2 ed. 1884)
Free e-version: Projekt Runeberg

in english
Roman Days
transl. by Alfred C. Clark. New York & London, 1879.
Also includes the Roman legends and a biographical sketch
Free e-version: Hathi trust

in finnish
Rooman keisareita marmorihahmossa
transl. by Aarni Kuota. Helsinki 1909
Also included in vol 6 of Valitut teokset ("Selected works"), published in 1930.

in french
Profils romains : études d'après les marbres. Fasc. 1
transl. by Ernest Gallis. Lund & Paris 1889
Some essays only from Romerska dagar. The remaining parts never materialized.

in german
Römische Kaiser in Marmor : Lebensbilder der ersten röm. Cäsaren
transl. by E. Cornelius. Darmstadt 1907

Römische Cäsaren in Marmor
transl. by Josef Fredbärj. Halle 1909
Like the preceeding work this only includes the six emperor studies. Translations of the other two essays were published in a separate volume (see below).

Die Venus von Milo. Antinous. Zwei kunstgeschichtliche Untersuchungen
transl. by Josef Fredbärj. Leipzig 1910

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5 jan 2017